Here Goes 2017 and What to Anticipate for in 2018.
I am excited that the year 2017 is finally coming to an end. Not that the year has been so good to me, nay, but I still find a reason why I should smile. Over time you realize that we miss opportunities to be grateful when we look regretfully on the things that didn’t work out until they take over our mental faculties.
In a nutshell, when the year started, I promised myself that I was going to do a number of things which so far I have achieved to a large percentage. It then must have been a year of its own kind.
Among the things I promised myself to do was a discipline to publish an article every week and so far I have done exactly that. There are days I didn’t feel like writing but at the slightest thought of my readers, I was not left with much choice but to write. I can concur that discipline is doing the right thing even when you don’t feel like doing it.
This year, the readership was very huge compared to the previous years. There was a slight increase in the number of countries that we did find audience. Among those countries where we had consistent readership is USA, South Africa, Tanzania, Malawi, Philippines and UK. We are grateful for the appreciation across the globe.
Now that this will be the last article on the platform for this year. I will take a moment to give my thoughts for the year up to this far and then outline what we can look forward to for the year 2018.
In the year 2017, I realized, we started a fire sight chat series that was done weekly at the Mum’s Kitchen. Among the disciplines we discussed spanned agriculture, industry and trade, entrepreneurship, technology, youth among the many other topics tackled. To the participants for this year, Lewis Munene, Robert Agolla, James Maina and I, cheers to us all.
In fact the fire sight chat provided the best insightful, intriguing and educative topics for us here because every topic discussed there was finally written here.
In respect to that, the Fire sight chat for 2018 will be greater and better. Among the changes to expect include a one monthly discussion session, a guest appearance for each session hopefully and a greater perspective in terms of thought. To participate in the forums or have a guest appearance, you can get in touch with us on this platform and we will be more than glad to have you participate.

This year, our articles have been great and sweet. The Masoko article had a huge number of people interested in the platform and I hope to see them there. Marriage and Love and The Year So Far had a huge readership. The Wendy Story was another huge story for the year. She is now a character of her own here. Energy And Agriculture Series was also a huge hit together with Success Goes beyond the Brilliance of Good Grades. I can’t mention all the articles but be sure it was a great year.
For the year 2018, among the areas to receive a lot of attention will be Society and Culture, Agriculture, Entrepreneurship and Trade, International Business, Energy, Tourism, Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM), Governance and Policy, International Politics, Literature and Art as well as Religion.
So now we have a clue what will be the main discussion areas for 2018. If you have any interests in those area, watch out for 2018, you can’t miss an opportunity to learn a few things from us as we also look forward to learning from you.
We also intend to implement a capacity building program as a way of giving back to community and also impacting society. We will be open to participate in a few programs within the year though prior communication will be expected. It is a year that will be busy and packed.
Next year, we are also providing chances to individuals who could wish to write and publish on our platform. You are encouraged to write and forward your articles to us via email. You can also contact us in the comments coupon and we can provide further details.
In relation to that, I will provide an opportunity to mentor five people in 2018. It will be on a first come first serve criteria. The mentorship will be on writing, entrepreneurship and business, innovation and career development training and coaching. We live in the world if we serve and help others. The opportunity for mentorship is open from today to the end of the first week of 2018. Get in touch with me via my email, inbox me on Facebook or even twitter and we will grow together.
I am so much excited about 2018. 2017 is gone with all its ups and downs and it now gives us an opportunity to build a 2018 to reckon. It is still open and let us plan to make the best of it.
Thanks to God for the cares and all the gifts. To this far, it is only God and prayers. So let us pray for each other and for a peaceful coexistent over this period even to the end of ages; it will always be a blessing and come back to us.
Welcome aboard the train taking us across the terrain. Don’t be left out.
To all my readers and followers, I wish you all a happy festive season, a happy new year and a prosperous 2018. Let us meet in 2018 by God’s mercies.
I love you all and let us share with our neighbor this season. The greatest commandment is love your neighbor as you love yourself. Extend the hand of love to a neighbor and friend and let us finish 2017 in style. Cheers!
Copyright @ 2017.