Mephiboseth; Discipline in the way of delayed gratuity

There is this saying that states, “Discipline is the ability to do something (the right thing) even when you don’t feel like doing it.” Discipline then, in this context, is the antidote for procrastination.
Discipline in the context of delayed gratuity is how you behave while in waiting and not when “you are already there.” The behavior when you have nothing, while waiting because once you get something, that something alters people’s behavior.
It is usually tough to remain disciplined especially when you have done something to somebody as a show of appreciation with a yearning desire or expectation to get something in return. The anticipation often makes one to not behave themselves which once it reaches the person from whom the “return” gratitude is expected from, it can alter their course or decision.
A case in point is given in the Bible in the book of 2nd Samuel chapter 9. King David asks, “Is there anyone still left of the house of Saul to whom I can show kindness for Jonathan’s sake?” Note here that King David had Jonathan in his heart long after he had died. Jonathan had made close friends with David and often leaked information to him on what his father, king Saul, had planned against him while waiting to ascend to the throne.
This is a perfect case of forgotten show of kindness. One that we expected the lineage of Saul to feel bitter about. Unexpectedly the household of Jonathan and Saul his father abode their humble lives for a long time until traces of loyal hood could not be described of them. This was all they needed, the discipline to behave themselves as citizens though initially they were of loyal lineage.
At the most unexpected moment, David plays the perfect example of “returning a hand” where it was due. Paying for gratitude once extended to him when he had nothing. It is clear at this time that he had delayed but it could likely be that he had waited for the perfect moment. Always Discipline yourself to humbly live your life even in lieu of being viewed incognito. Your perfect moment could be nearing. Isaiah 66:22 confirms that as quoted below:
The least of you will become a thousand, the smallest a mighty nation. I am the LORD; in its time I will do this swiftly (New International Version Bible).
As the story of David continues, a servant of Saul’s household named Ziba is summoned to appear before the king and informs the king that there is still Jonathan’s son crippled in both feet called Mephiboseth who the king commands at once that he be brought to him.
Once at the king’s presence, David informs him not to fear for he, David, will show him kindness for his father Jonathan’s sake. He restored all the land that belonged to his grandfather Saul and that he thereafter always ate at the kings table.
Mephiboseth, who we could expect to get entitlement that he deserved that kindness, reiterates at once, “What is your servant, that you should notice a dead dog like me?” This is the highest and greatest show of humility.
All along Mephiboseth had held to his guns. He didn’t know he will ever receive a show of kindness. Discipline lies in keeping quiet and not saying more than is necessary.
If you sense a delay in receiving gratitude, master the art of raising your price tag by not always alluding to it but by even doing more than is expected of you once you get opportunity. Mumbling, rumbling and show of displeasure destroys relationships that could be created for posterity. Had Mephiboseth complained to King David for being forgotten despite the endless efforts of his family to Israel, chances are he could have not received the hand of kindness.
When you receive the show of gratitude, just like Mephiboseth, don’t ever show that you were worth it. Even though you worked hard for it, receive it with humility. Appreciate it as though you never put effort into it and one thing will stand out, virtuousness of character. This is the exact discipline to show while in waiting. Character is what you are at your worse moments than at your best.
In conclusion; as a master, never forget to show kindness to those who helped you climb the ladder. When the time is right, pay the good for good. As a courtier, be disciplined in the waiting, it will be defined of you as perseverance as opposed to arrogance if you show indiscipline.