Of Saying Goodbyes and Welcoming New Seasons.

The word goodbye elicits a myriad meanings unique to each and every one of us. To some it rekindles memories that had been buried deep under the earth of forgetfulness. To some like me, sometimes goodbyes are moments of stock taking for new beginnings. So today I am writing about goodbye in the context of this past year 2018 and the 2019 we are crossing over to.

Albeit the fact that it is a crossing over, it doesn’t mean that this coming year’s days will be pink while in 2018 the days were cream. It is all an aspect of mindset because reporting to work still remains normal like it has been. The salaries remain the same and the cost of living will still continue to rise, maybe or maybe not, which makes little difference for the crossover. But we have to say goodbye to 2018 nevertheless.

Talking of goodbyes and I remember my Greece musician Demis Roussos and his song, “Goodbye my love.” Those close enough to me know I enjoy the song a lot together with another by Demis still called, “My Friend the Wind.” Like in the song, I agree that the wind is a friend often; for sure oxygen will be there in plenty in 2019 like it was in 2018. Simply the same; no flavor. So what are we saying goodbye to in 2018 and looking forward to for the New Year?

Before answering that, let me quote the first stanza and chorus of Demio Roussos’ Goodbye my Love because I might borrow a few principles from it. The song goes like this:

Hear the wind sing a sad, old song

It knows I’m leaving you today

Please don’t cry or my heart will break

When I go on my way.


Goodbye my love goodbye

Goodbye and au revoir

As long as you remember me

I’ll never be too far

Goodbye my love goodbye

I always will be true

So hold me in your dreams

Till I come back to you.

Well it is true we are moving to 2019 in a few hours’ time. But as long as we remember 2018, it will never be too far. It is just around, in the mind.  As long as we don’t intend to get over all our bad manners, inhumane acts, unkind words and immoral things of 2018 in the New Year, there is no need of looking forward to 2019.

As the song says “so hold me in your dreams till I come back to you,” we will find ourselves falling back to our cheating, corruption, ills, thefts, exploitation, battering, scorns unless we mean the goodbyes we have been singing as 2018 fades into the horizons of yesterday.

J.M Barnes said that, “Never say goodbye because goodbye means going away and going away means forgetting.” Simple and clear. Say goodbye to the wrongs of 2018 and forget. To the good and cherished things, no need for goodbyes. They will see us off to a great head start for 2019.

Let us say goodbye to all the crap we didn’t need to carry to the New Year because goodbyes makes us review and think.  They make us realize what we had, what they meant to us, what good to gain by parting with the wrongs and helps us focus our energies on the other things that we have taken for granted all along at the expense of the crap.

When we get brave enough to say goodbye the universe will be more than glad to give us a new hello. All we need is the courage to welcome the new hello. This is where the season’s welcoming come in.

So into the dustbin goes laziness and into the drawer we welcome strength. Into the trash bin go toxic friendships and relationships and into our chest pockets we stack meaningful associations. Out into the street alley goes bad attitude and into our armpits we stack positivity, love, gladness, kindness, empathy, sympathy and hope. We look forward to a 2019 like never before only if we move into it morally and with virtue.

Goodbyes can be painful at times but they are the only gates we close for us to see the endless right doors open in front of us. We have to say goodbye to 2018 and with open arms welcome 2019 with all her blessings. We have to say goodbye to receive a hello. It is an aspect of faith and hope.

As we begin the year 2019, let us do so with confidence to keep the spirit of the good things of 2018 and discarding and saying goodbye to all the mistakes of 2018 and look forward to making the wrongs right this New Year.



Copyright @ 2018/9

Happy new year to you all.

You made my 2018 a full year.

I love you and look forward to seeing you all in 2019.

Geoffrey Ndege

Geoffrey Ndege

Geoffrey Ndege is the Editor and topical contributor for the Daily Focus. He writes in the areas of Science, Manufacturing, Technology, Innovation, Governance, Management and International Emerging Issues. For featuring, promotions or support, reach out to us at info@dailyfocus.co.ke
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