Why you should Say Hi/Hello First

I went out to get some help for something I wanted to be done. As I sat outside waiting for my turn, I grew tired and restless. The process was moving on slowly and I needed to be attended to sooner. Without much to be done, I decided to wait for my turn anyway.
I concluded waiting quietly without complaining after I asked myself a few questions. For instance, I wondered how many people had been attended to by these same people I was angry about doing things slowly.
A keen observation also made me realize that they had not left their offices let alone chairs since I first arrived. To my conclusion, they were perhaps more tired than I was and the only justice I would do to them as well as myself was to be nice.
While waiting for my turn, I would hear some of the clients being instructed more commandingly, some would converse with the attitude that it was their right to be served and served ahead of the rest without due consideration of protocols. Because these were services where you came in on appointment and were expected to come with all that was asked of you, showing up without those requirements often pushed some of the officers to the edge.
In that waiting bay, I promised myself to just be nice to everyone. So, when my turn came to go into the first office, I walked in and greeted the male officer. He took his eyes off the screen and looked at me. It seems that a simple greeting had something. Perhaps, only a few people had thought it okay to greet him.
From then on, this guy helped very well. There was a technicality with my form which he advised me accordingly. As he served me we talked as though we had met somewhere. When we finished, I said thank you and he was more than glad to show me to the next office.
It was about lunchtime. Most of the officers in those offices had gone for lunch but one was in the last moment of taking a lunch break. The security man escorting me requested the madam to help me which she accepted. Once we sat down, I again greeted her before she could quickly address me.
By the time I left that office for my next stop, the lady was so happy and only a telephone ring to her office made me leave. In that short conversation, I let her know that I knew her work was important and that she deserved better. I made her feel that I valued her as I could value myself.
These are not isolated cases. I also sat in a queue waiting to see a doctor that day to have my results interpreted for me. Then one man walked into the waiting area and was unsettled. Of course, there was order being followed but to my surprise, the young man shot into the doctor’s office.
Now that I was now doing some research for this article, I was keen to listen to his approach. He didn’t say hi and wanted to be served as he believed he had stayed in that place for far too long. The doctor couldn’t purge and requested him to wait outside until he was called in.
My turn to see the doctor finally came. I knocked on the door and entered. It was a big office given that this is a consultant doctor. We are used to the offices you don’t walk in. You simply step in and there you are on the chair. This was a proper officer.
So as soon as I opened, I greeted this doctor as I closed the door behind me. I observed a glimmer in his persona. Since he had my file, he called me by my name and introduced himself quite well. Once again the conversation became friendly and by the time I was leaving, he was happy to have served me and wanted the very best for me.
He said those words with love until I felt warm regards. I thanked him and left. As I sat to reflect on my activities for that day, I realized that attitude is very important. It changes the course of things. From a simple hello to a simple thank you, a lot of things can change.
I would urge you to always say hi to people before you seek help from them. Strive to make a connection with them. Sometimes you don’t need a stone to crack every nut. Some nuts have lines of weakness that don’t need force to crack.
Those lines of weakness are the appealing tools to a person’s demeanour. Simply saying hi and making them feel safe and important is the thing. Always remember that it is important to say hi, it opens up people’s worlds.