Build your Love on Unity Through Humility.

It is fascinating every time I open my Bible to read a passage I concur that the Bible is one of the greatest gems given to man. Believing that its writings are divinely inspired helps us discern the writings therein differently, but even if one reads it as a piece of literature as some do, you can’t miss seeing how great a book it is.
I came across a small passage in the book of Philippians chapter 2 from verse 1 to verse 4 and it thus formed my foundation for today’s writing. The epistle of Paul to the Philippians was written for three major reasons; to strengthen, to implore, and to motivate the converts of Philippi.
Paul implored the Philippians to be united if they could be strengthened in Christ. And unity could only come if they were like-minded, a fete that could be achieved by them having one goal of being with a Christ-like character. This, Paul pointed out, could be achieved through prayer.
Paul in Philippians 2:1-2 writes, “Therefore if there is any consolation in Christ, if any comfort of love, if any fellowship of the spirit, if any affection and mercy, fulfill my joy by being like-minded, having the same love, being of one accord, and of one mind.”
The coverts of Philippi are herein told that if for them to really get the experience of their newly found faith as followers of Christ, and that if Christ is to be seen in them and be with them, then they needed to unite.
That unity could be achieved by them having the same love. To mean that they love one another equally. No manipulation, no taking advantage, no depriving or joking with love. They needed to show and extend their love one unto another as deemed best of Christ.
The same is of marriage and relationships. If we are to forge ahead as couples or in our relationships, we must love each other with the same love. The same love as is in Christ to us. We are to love unconditionally although it often seems hard. We will see how to achieve that in the next verses.
Paul again tells them that their unity will be attained if they can be like-minded, of one accord, and of the same mind. They are to have harmony in mission, word, character, and reason. Take a minute and think what could happen if couples would have the same mission and pull/push in the same direction.
The success of our marriages and relationships today will depend solely on the simple fact of us having a clear understanding of what we want, what the ultimate goal of the marriage or relationship is, and doing our best daily to ensure we are moving towards achieving just that.
And to do that, we will need a lot of humility. If there is anything that kills marriages and relationships faster today, it is pride. That is why Paul concentrates on humility from verses 3 to 4.
Paul wrote in verse 3, “Let nothing be done through selfish ambition or conceit, but in lowliness of mind let each esteem others better than himself.” What a message for out context! That is, in your marriage or relationship, esteem your partner better than you.
This is a tough thing for us human beings to hear, let alone do. We are filled with selfish ambitions which often make us unable to compromise where need be. We don’t care about sacrificing our relationships and marriages for selfish worldly gratifications. If only we could humble ourselves and esteem others higher of ourselves, then love and unity would be experienced in our associations.
In verse 4, Paul then shifts the level to the aspect of care. He wrote, “Let each of you look out not only for his own interests, but also for the interest of others.” Here Paul tells the Philippians that they ought to be their brother’s keeper spiritually if they are to be united in the faith.
You can only care about other’s interests if you are humble. I have come to realize that humility is one of the most downgraded virtues yet the most powerful. The greatest leaders are often the humblest. So, if unity is to be achieved, people must be selfless.
A successful marriage or relationship is one in which the partners prioritize each other’s interests. They care for each other through thick and thin. In a situation where each one is first striving to achieve their interests alone, there are conflicts and misery. It is only in humility can these things be achieved.
Now, looking at it one wonders how they can do these things when what they do is exactly the opposite. The Philippians too wondered how they would achieve the instructions they received, and Paul gave them the solution. On their own, they would not perhaps achieve it. But in Christ, they would.
He instructed them in the last chapter, 4 verse 6, that in prayer and supplications to God, their requests ought to have been presented. In a climax, 2 Chronicles 7:14 assures us that we only need to humble ourselves and turn away from our wicked ways, seek His help and our prayers will be answered. Our marriages and relationships will be healed. They will be restored.
In humility lies the greatest asset for saving humanity from her miseries.