(Adapted from Heal Yourself by Markus Rothkranz)
Genetic damage can be repaired. Even when people say “nothing can be done about
it”. Amazing new discoveries are scientifically proving that almost anything is possible.
The proper emotional mindset is the foundation. Eliminating deficiency and toxic stuff,
then allows the body to self-repair, and what many consider nothing short of “miracles”
starts to happen.
Your moment to moment choices determine whether your cells become healthy or get
Don’t Blame your Parents
Although we inherit genes from our parents, how we maintain and care for our genes
determines everything. Maybe you inherited a junker, but you can strip it down and
rebuild it.
radiation from X rays, cell phones
environmental chemicals
food preservatives
prescription drugs, anti-depressants, steroids, etc
grilled, char-broiled, heated, cooked, fried or boiled foods
processed food
It’s not the cards we are dealt, but how we play the game. If you are born sick, make
yourself healthy. Rebuild yourself into something new. The choice is YOURS. And your
body will adapt. Stop blaming your illnesses on aging or faulty genes rather than on its
true cause. Maybe you are genetically predisposed to getting a certain condition, but
proper lifestyle and nutrition will help determine if that condition will ever happen at all.
Let’s compare you with a delicate wine glass. Your “genetic” disposition is that if you
fall, you break, just like all the other wine glasses that fell. And over many years of use,
your odds will increase of breaking. But what if you took really good care and treated
yourself like a rare museum piece- you could go for CENTURIES without ever breaking.
The choice is yours.
Heredity is secondary to environment and you control your environment.
“People often give up on their genetic predispositions, relieving themselves- at least in
their own minds- of responsibility for their actions. They say “There is nothing I can do,
weight problems run in my family” (as they gulp down a burger, fries and large shake)
It’s bizarre that physicians put so much stock in the genetic origins of disease yet also
inflict massive amounts of genetic damage with pharmaceutical chemicals and X-rays.”
Dr. Ruza Bogdanovich
Watch what you say and how you feel. Words have unbelievable power. Most people
say things in a way that increases stress and turns the body’s PH from alkaline to acidic.
Words are powerful- they totally change the way we think and feel and research has
conclusively shown that is actually changes our DNA ! Read the book “The Genie in
your Genes”.
If you are not well and keep doing what you have done in the past, you will continue to
get worse. Forget the genetic thing. Take responsibility of your actions and health right
now !