Does Everything Really Happen for a Reason?

A few days ago, I woke up in the morning with a severe headache. While trying to see what was the reason for this health disaster, my mind struck what everybody often thinks as the first thing to do. That is, to call the people around us and inform them of such happenings.
Before I could reach for my phone, I remembered a statement I am so used to hearing and one which I have used once in a while. Every time I have heard some of my friends told about some unfortunate happenings by somebody else, they console the affected parties with the words that everything happens for a reason.
The challenge with the human mind is that we often forget to look for the reason as soon as whatever the issue at hand is has passed. It is at that point I started to keenly consider if for real there is always a reason for everything that happens in our lives.
There are two schools of thought on this issue. The first school of thought is one based on the Christian perspective. The other school of thought is purely based on logic and philosophy. The statement that everything happens for a reason is the most used by Christians.
The reason is often mystical and only God knows why things happen as such. As a faithful, there are points you understand that things happen for a reason depending on the level of faith that one has. It is critical to note that the reasons for certain happenings often get revealed to us if we are keen to know why.
On the other hand, logic sometimes takes precedence. The cause-effect principle is put open before us. For instance, what doe expect of a person who goes to poke their hands in a snake’s hole and gets bitten. What else would the person have expected other than to be bitten if the snake is inside?
When a person gets bit and then dies, it would be argued that still, God knows why. The possibilities are always two when a person gets bitten; one is to survive the bite or simply die. Logically, if the person dies, the circumstances surrounding the events after the bite can help.
Maybe the person gets to a medical facility late or never gets there. If the person survives, the simple explanation would be that the snake wasn’t poisonous, or the person got medical attention in time. These explanations now justify the statement that everything happens for a reason.
The truth is that most of the time, the reason is there in the events leading up to the eventual happening of something or in the events that take place after the event happens. In the example above, the reason for the death occurring after the bite of a snake is simply the bite of a poisonous snake. If the person dies before getting to a medical facility, the reason is arriving there late.
If the person arrives there and begins to get medication and still dies, then there is a medical explanation. Maybe the poison must have spread real quick or the facility missed the antidote. When we go further to question the timing concerning the occurrences, then that becomes a different story altogether.
For example, somebody would wonder why it had to be a snake bite and not a drowning, or disease et cetera. Another one would wonder why at that time of the day, or at that age, or at that particular place. The mystical aspect behind the “pre-planned” component of exactness with whatever happens with our lives is now the reason the Christian perspective comes.
For example, the case where you go for an interview with all the qualifications necessary and still miss the opportunity due to unfair treatment is one part of the coin. The other part that deals with why it had happened so, that the unfair treatment is on you for that specific job opportunity and at that particular time is on another level.
The universe will say that no one ever promised us that it would always be fair to us. The Christian angle will tell us that God knows why that had to happen. Maybe we get to know later in this life or we never and live to wait for the answers some other time in the afterlife.
Whether in that afterlife we would want to start discussing the whys, or rather focus on celebrating the triumph in such a case is mystical in itself. From the logical angle, no expectations because from the word go, it was either going to work in our favor or against our favor or even it wasn’t going to happen at all.