How to Plant Roses on Balcony.
Part One
Roses have been loved by very many people for ages now. To some, it is the way to their heart. To others, it is an expression of their inner feelings of love and affection. But one thing is and will remain true even for ages to come; that roses will find a place in the family tables in many homes. Time will be dedicated to water the shoots so that they don’t wither easily as well.
Another thing that is worth noting is the fact that people will always spend money to buy rose flowers for their loved ones. But did you know that you can grow these precious gems at the balcony of your house and enjoy their presences around the home all the time?
Over the centuries past, a lot of people have always thought that one needs a huge farm in order to grow roses. Of course, it is true that people do farm roses in big greenhouses for commercial purposes. Yet still, there is room for the individual who wishes to plant and have their small flower gardens right at their backyards and in cases where there is none, then balconies come in handy.
To successfully grow roses on your balcony, you will need a bucket or container. Don’t forget that the look of the container is very important. Choose a good-looking pot container because this will be part of your home environment and thus should look good too. So, the container should be medium at minimum but the larger the better depending on the type of roses to plant. Another important thing to note is that roses do need a very good drainage. It thus demands that the pots should have enough holes at the bottom to aide with the drainage.
For the large rose bushes, bigger containers are needed whereas for the small rose flowers, medium containers are the best for healthy growth. If the buckets don’t have enough holes, then add more to make them enough.
Depending on your taste, you can use containers made of wood, fiber glass, plastic or even concrete as each of these have its advantages over the other. For example, concrete containers are long lasting and good where one looks for permanence in terms of their garden’s location. The disadvantage they have is that they are heavy and wouldn’t be easy to move around. Wood can bring a great scenic aura with their unique nature yet they do deteriorate fast due to, most cases the time, frequent watering.
Plastic containers are good also because of their lightweight nature, and can be easily moved around where temporality is preferred. The downside to their usage is that they can be easily tipped by strong winds. Fiber glass can be used where aesthetics is most preferred. Additionally, they are heavier than plastic and also offers easy movement should there be any need.
Another great option for containers is the use of clay pot. Clays pots are very beautiful and also versatile. They blend easily to some of the most common architectures and are often preferred by people who want elegance. Unfortunately, they need some sort of permanence because if care is not taken, they can easily break.
The first and also most important step after choosing the type of pot to use, is the soil mix needed. It should be known right from the beginning that having a poorly drained soil may lead to the plant developing root rot which means death to the plant. Thus, a proper soil mix in needed. This mix may mean having some compost manure, some percentage of garden soil, and another percentage should be good quality potting soil. Each could compose a third of the total mix. At the very bottom, a relatively thin layer should be filled with gravel to help in drainage so that the soil doesn’t become so damp as to promote root death.
The best roses to grow on a balcony is the miniature rose flowers which produces flowers that can be red, pink, white, yellow and other colors. They are the easiest roses to grow, they are the smaller version of the rose flowers’ family and hence the best type fit for balcony garden growing. Miniature rose flowers grow to almost a height of 45 centimeters. The red cascades which often climb slightly are good especially when one intends to have the long sides of the balcony to be covered.
Ground covers are very nice as well since they grow well and fall at the edges of the containers. Floribunda, bourbon, teas are among other preferred varieties of flowers for balcony gardens. It is important to choose the best type of roses to plant depending on fragrance, color and height of growth as desired. It is advisable to avoid the climbers by all means given the fact of the location where the garden is set; balcony.