In this life, never give up,
Persevere and fight on as hard as possible,
Push on even if you are being pulled back,.
In this life, pray you suffer before you succeed,
For if you succeed and suffer later,
Life will make no meaning.
You will be laughing stalk by the birds,
The world will judge you harshly.
In this life, make good choices,
Walk with people, who share in your dreams,
Friends who brings out the best in you,
Friends who stick with you no matter your circumstances.
In this life, hard work always pays,
Work hard and hard, it’s the hardness,
That helps build your future.
Without that future you will always be at present.
In this life, have the right attitude,
Attitude forgives, attitudes build, and attitude loves,
You just need to change to the right attitude.
Wrong attitude, kills, destroys and under develops,
In this life, always remember the above.